Sunday, April 18, 2010

Remainder of the Budget Meeting Video

I feel these two clips offer the best information regarding the budget. Some good questions were asked by Alderman Row and Stumpf.

I think what is the most frustrating thing when watching the council "talk" about an issue is that they really do not talk to each other. They ask for questions, an alderman will have a question or ask for the other aldermans input or perspective and they all sit and stare at each other.I know some of the alderman take issue with what the others have done in the past but you at least have to talk to each other.

I would encourage everyone to come and voice any concerns you may have regarding the budget tomorrow night before the council meeting at 6:45.

I would watch the whole clip but Alderman Stumpf asks some good questions starting around 2:50 in.

Alderman Row has a good question starting around 2:50 in, but watch the whole clip.

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