Monday, April 12, 2010

City Budget Draft

I read through it over the weekend and scanned through it again at lunch today. A couple things jump out that are hard to figure with only this proposed budget in front of me.

1. I cannot tell if the city is forecasting a decline in revenue from the state, it appears they are not.

2. The city has the money owed to the city from the state, Illinois Income Taxes (arrearage) as income. I wouldn't count on this $288,000 ever making it to the city's account. I would figure for the state missing three months payments next year as well.

3. The budgeted amount for the what is now common place transfer of funds from the capitol development fund to the general fund is $445,000 for this year. I know the money is meant to be used on capitol development projects but I would feel better knowing exactly what these projects are up front. Road repairs and new cars are hardly what I would consider a "good" use of these funds. Save the cash and get the main street plan done, construct a new better looking police station/fire station, or repave main street Route 3 to Route 3. I would prefer seeing this money go to large expenditures.

4. $13,000 for seminars, conventions, and meetings. Skip them this year. Save the money. Send two or three people if absolutely necessary. I would applaud the alderman that gives up their seat to the yearly conference.

5. $50,000 for Tourism expenses?

6. A positive of legal fees not being a large projected expenditure and not being large expenditure last year.

I want to hear the council, the city administrator, Linda Sharp, and any department heads speak on their budgets before I comment on any real specifics.

Should be an interesting meeting. I'll see if I can tape it and post it. I have never taped a committee meeting before.

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