I would like to link to an article from a union website, not so much as to show how one side may be wrong or right on the issue currently facing the state of Wisconsin, but rather to show how we should not forget how we have all gotten where we are.
The link was provided to me by Mitchell Stille who is on the political staff of Iowa Council 61 which represents the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. I played little league with Mitchell and went to high school with him, we don't always share the same views but discussion is always healthy.
Link to the Article.
The point I take from the article is that each party pulls out all the stops when needed and they both find it unfair when the other does. Are these last ditch efforts needed? Do they help any? Do they cause more issues than they solve?
I think sometimes they are needed as they do help to slow the process for even a brief moment and cause some to pause and say "That person seems rational enough & they were elected after all...maybe we should look closer at what viewpoint caused them to jump out a window or flee the state."

As far as causing issues without resolving anything, I feel that's dependent on how your opponents view your actions. Politics do not often allow for your opponent to look back after you jump out the window and say "you know they may be right about something" After all, they must be weak or willing to "cave in" to the demands of an apparent extremist willing to flee the state to dodge a vote.
Resolution to the problem eventually has to be made, the tactic may bring more attention to your cause but not necessarily the attention or resolution you may be seeking. Since if you could have swayed your opponents opinion in the first place you would not embark on a dash to the border, bathroom, or window.
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