Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Columbia Lakes - My Take

I didn't go to the committee of the whole meeting last night as I imagine the council has its mind made up already. I have never seen our council change their minds on to many issues, granted I haven't seen our present council in action for that long.

I imagine this eventually passes the council vote next week for a few reasons.

  • Lack of legal basis to deny the developer what he wants. If the developer meets all of the guidelines for a community unit plan then denying him opens the doors for my next point..
  • The possibility of legal action. Remember that many of the sitting aldermen have stated that the city needs to get its legal bills under control. Starting a new legal battle regarding a development would leave a bad taste in many peoples mouths.
  • Four of these aldermen campaigned on the concept of controlled growth. The city working with a developer to get things done and in place may go a long way in showing other commercial developers that Columbia is interested in working with them in a rational way as well.
  • The plan on the table now is what I have refer to as "the best, worst case scenario". Not many people want to have an apartment complex built behind/amongst their current single family houses. But if given the opportunity to have 200+ units built as currently proposed or to have 500+ units built along with a convenience store and no real park/common space by the next developer, I know which most people would choose.
  • It ultimately increases the tax base.
I have submitted a FOIA request to get the minutes from 2004 when a development similar to this was proposed and voted down by the city council. The city has said it will take some time to sort through the documents and scan them in, since '04 is not saved electronically.

I find it hard to understand why no city official has gone back and checked these records themselves to see what history can illustrate to us. No elected official I have talked with could tell me why the council voted the way it did in '04.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Columbia Lakes Meeting - July 20, 2011

Edited 9:36AM 7/22/11

Here is the first video from last nights Columbia Lakes Community Unit Plan Meeting with the developer.

Thank again to St. Paul UCC for allowing the space to have this meeting and for the developer, David Levinson, for coming to Columbia to state his plan in person.

Part 1

Part 2

Levee Plan is Outlined

Link to the Project Implementation Plan

At first glance the timetable here seems very fast paced. I'm glad to see things progressing with this project. Hopefully the estimates turn to realities and the government accepts the work once completed.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Link to the story.

I have a hard time believing he was the best candidate.....is he getting a taste until he needs to slip in the US House?

Long record of public service? I thought I was going to read the untold story of Jr. being on a city council, volunteering for various public boards, or having been elected by his piers in some manner.........

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Almost too busy........

A quote I just read from last week urged me to post something.

"He is the president of the United States. I know he is busy," Pelosi said. "I myself am almost too busy to continue listening to some of the things going on in that room, so I know he must be very busy. But he has treated everyone there with great dignity."

I'll be upfront and say I am no Pelosi fan right out of the gate, I am not attacking her but I am sure others are tired of listening to her as she is tired of listening to the GOP. I continue to wish that one day I will see the work of a political party or one politician stand and say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done without care for their hopes of being re-elected. Their whole constituency will never support their actions fully, regardless of those actions so continuing to please everyone is pointless. The tactics used in Washington to save face, raise money, tow the party line, and constantly campaign for oneself do more damage I fear than I have yet to fathom, though I have tried.

Pelosi may be right in saying they are all busy. Busy doing what though, I’m not sure. I cannot see a more important issue than what is at hand. The ceiling must be raised, the spending must be cut, and our tax system must be overhauled. I have heard calls for reforming these items as long as I can remember, yet nothing has been accomplished to fix the problems. The main problem facing the budget is that social security & medicare/medicaid do not function in their current state. Eventually we'll be incapable of borrowing more money and an unlucky group will be the first unable to claim what they need from the funds they supported for many years.

Washington needs to understand there must be middle ground. Everyone must sacrifice something of what they want for what is needed. A politician’s sacrifice may be that they do not get re-elected or they drop in favor with their party. Unfortunately when I say everyone must sacrifice I am not only referring to both sides of the isle and 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I speak also to those accessing the programs at the current time, who may need to in the case of misfortune, and those who plan to in the future as part of their retirement. All of these groups may get less, but the trade off is that the programs will be sustainable; the point being you will continue to get something. I hope to receive a social security check at retirement like so many before me, although I plan for retirement in a manner that does not factor that income for my survival.

The debt our country has is a sacrifice every American carries, although we never truly feel it. Raising the debt in the short term is the safe way to preserve our everyday lives, while allowing a period of time for Washington to show reform is in store. If we cannot find a way to "get serious" about fixing our spending then raising it again is ill advised, regardless of the possible default. Obama it seems would prefer to not revisit debt ceiling talks again before the election, raising in the short term forces cuts to be made in some manner or a return to debt ceiling talks may come to close to everyone’s election cycle.

In regards to tax reform make no mistake; I would surely enjoy having a lower tax bill in any regard. I never quibble over how much I pay in taxes, at least not since high school. I have come to accept that the freedoms, protection, oversight, & services the federal and state governments provide do in fact cost money. Do I use every service the government provides to its citizens? No, but I do assist in paying for them all and I understand some of the people in this county do need these programs. I also do not agree with every expenditure the government makes, though I am sure there are people that would not agree with items I feel the government should fund. In short we all pay in and we all get something back, even if it is not tangible.

I like many people I talk with just want things “fixed”, we often see what will hit us directly and look no further and accept that as the solution that should be put in place. We want our money spent in a more useful, no a more respectful manner. We work hard to earn the money from our employer and they all work hard to keep us working in order to earn that money. The people paying our employer for services or goods have worked hard for their money and choose wisely how they should spend it. We want the government to begin to look at the money in the coffers as if they need to spend every single dollar in the best manner possible. We have all seen the waste that can be generated.

It’s no easy problem. I don’t think the correct solution will be made before August 2nd. We’ll get the band-aid fix and move on until someone takes a stand and risks their career or life, like those who formed our country, to find the right solution. I hope I live to see that day.
I feel I have rambled enough and unfortunately may have succeeded in nothing more than looking not much more than long winded, young, and naive.

Friday, July 15, 2011

July Already?

It’s been too long.......

A few have asked me why there haven't been updates or why I haven't been making it to the Monday Council meetings The simple answer is that my wife and I had our first child in March and I enjoy spending as much time as possible with her.

Aside from the "Columbia Lakes Super Development" not much is happening from what I can see. I was recently told that the Waffle House was only a mention and not a final decision for the development. I think a little part of me died when I heard that, Waffle House is good place to get some quick eats at a moderate price, the wife and I enjoy Waffle House.

There will be an upcoming meeting with the developer I hope to get video of and post here so everyone can see and hear what the plan actually is.