Friday, May 07, 2010

Some Good News.....Ok It's Really More Bad News

Taken from this article at The State Journal Register

The budget includes $26.1 billion from the state’s general checkbook account which pays for most state services. The money is allocated in large lump sums within various state agencies and Quinn will be given broad authority to direct how the money is spent.

The budget does not include the $3.8 million due to the state-funded pension systems in the next budget year. The plan is to suspend payments into those systems for the first six months of the year and hope that a funding scheme can be worked out.

My View:
SB3660 calls for suspending payments to an already unfunded pension system, this seems like a good idea, right? Its nothing to worry about as as we can rely on "hope that a funding scheme can be worked out". Does anyone with a vote in Springfield take anything seriously? The state is looking at a possible $13Billion deficit and the one of the items they felt could be put off is the state funded pension system? I believe the above cited article is incorrect as other sources say its between $3.7-4Billion they will not fund to the pension system.

Another hot topic issue with the budget includes the no brainer cigarette tax. It adds a $1 a pack tax to cigarettes. Making people spend more or quit is ok by me, sorry. If you wanted to add a tax to my vices I would live with them.

I understand the difficult decisions being placed on our elected officials in deciding what to cut but they have made the process much more complicated than it should be. Their lack of controlling the spending or raising sufficient revenues for years could have curtailed the current budget issues. The officials have also mandated their spring session should end a few weeks early so everything is a rush today so they can get home early.

They'll need the extra time to campaign after their complete lack of effort opr ability to fix muxh of anythung so far in 2010.

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