Friday, March 19, 2010

Proposed School Funding Cuts

I usually do not comment on the schools here in Columbia as my wife is a teacher at the middle school. This is important enough to make a point of though.

As we all know the state is well behind in making payments to pretty much everyone. It is four months behind in paying tax to the city at an amount of more than $240,000.The city council noted on Monday night that they will have to look at reducing expenditures for the next fiscal year given the states planned cuts to municipalities.

It is extremely important that something be done to fix the budget on the state level. If you ever needed a reason to call your representative the states financial crisis should be a good enough reason. If the best possible solution that can be agreed on in Springfield for fixing the states budget is to cut funding to the school system then we have elected the wrong people in my opinion.

I'll let Mr. Settles' letter speak for the school districts financial concerns.

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