All Aldermen were in attendance at these committee meetings.
Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation & streets, Sidewalks, Drainage and Public Works (Joint Committee Meeting)
• Presentation of Veterans Memorial
Floyd Crowder presented the Oerter Foundation’s plan for the new veteran memorial that will be located on Parkview near the elementary school. He presented a plan for five granite benches memorializing the five branches of the US military circling a center granite pedestal that is topped with an original bronze cast sculpture of an “American Freedom Fighter with a Palestinian Girl”. Construction should begin soon and everything should be completed in time for an unveiling on Veterans Day in November.
If any trees in the area are removed in the construction of the memorial Floyd said the Foundation will replace them.
License, Insurance, CEMA and Contracts
• Alert Now Emergency Notification System
A presentation was made by an AlertNow representative. This is the same system in use by the school district right now to automatically call parents when snow days occur. It can be used to send messages via email, text message or phone message. The city will pay $1 per a household to use it for emergencies only. Each household can have a combination of 15 phone numbers or emails associated with it. The system can process 1000 numbers every ten seconds. So it could alert 9000 residents in thirty seconds.
Chief Edwards would like to use this system as an alert for tornado warnings or boil orders and to narrowly alert a portion of a neighborhood of recent burglaries or other similar things.
The primary source of the phone numbers to begin such a list would come from the sewer and water billing database and others could be entered as they elect to be.
The council liked the idea but it was decided a policy would need to be developed before such a system would be purchased or implemented. This is a cheaper alternative to expanding the current tornado siren system to cover the entire city and it would allow for many other uses as well.
I personally could see how these messages could get way out of hand if too many people had access to sending messages so I am glad a policy is going to be developed first.
Refuse Collection and Recycling
• Contract Discussion
Hejna led a discussion on renegotiating the services provided by Reliable Sanitation. The city would like to have more businesses involved in recycling have more recycling containers in the parks. It was decided that Al Hudzik will talk with other communities about what services and fees they pay for their refuse collection. Reliable’s fees have always gone up based on the CPI and Reliable would like to have their contract based on a dollar amount increase and not this index.
The city may go out for bid on the refuse collection. They will wait to see what Mr. Hudzik finds out.
Municipal Buildings, Property and Capital Improvements
•Police Station Roof Repairs
The roof repairs began on August 21 and should be completed by the 28th. In the process or replacing the roof it has come to everyone’s attention that the duct work on the roof of the building needs to be replaced as it will let water into the building. The ducts were removed to replace the roof and their poor condition coupled with the disassembling and reassembling will only cause them to be in a poorer condition after the fact. An early estimate from the HVAC rep helping with the roof replacement was $12,000. Chief Edwards is going to get more replacement bids ASAP.
$12,000 will buy a lot of ductwork. I have to wonder what everything looks like up on that roof and how much ductwork there is.
• Library Roof Update
The library roof also needs to be replaced before this winter. Ron Williams will write a general spec along with the help of Alderman Oberkfell and have this project go out for bid. A few different companies have provided estimates, each company bid different items and roof systems. Ron estimates this replacement to be somewhere around $90,000.
•Pre-Employment Screening
Chief Edwards would like to have all of his pre-employment screenings done at one location. Currently applicants see a local physician for a physical and then have their drug tests done somewhere else. It was not mentioned how much this currently costs the city.
His ideal list of pre-employment tests includes your standard drug tests, physical and more involved tests such as an EKG. He said St. Elisabeth’s can provide his requested tests for around $1000 all at one facility.
It was noted that an hires the city makes in the police department go on to the police academy and they will have similar tests done there. Most of the information gathered in the tests would not be available to the city as it would be personal info but the applicant would then have knowledge of issues facing them if any. The tests would also be a good basis for fighting any workers compensation claims down the line.
The city will continue to look at the tests for the police department and for all of their departments. No action was taken at the meeting.
•Collective Bargaining
Executive Session.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Levy Update
This is the developed area map and its accompanying spreadsheet that the city got over to me late today.

Accompanying Spreadsheet

Accompanying Spreadsheet
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Meyer Lake Subdivision - Still not a Subdivision
The issues surrounding the Meyer Lake Subdivision continue to grow. The platt was brought before the council with a number of variances to be included. The council decided to not approve the plat again but the interesting point in the discussion was that the Mayor became rather aggravated at the entire issue.
To explain this a little bit the Meyers have been before the council at least 3 or 4 times to see approval of his subdivision plat. The plat has changed a few times but the issues that were brought up at the council meeting were major changes that were never discussed previous to this meeting. The issue of the brick ordinance variance needing to go before the zoning board of appeals was a new step in solving a problem that everyone thought had been solved.
To be fair to both sides in the issue the Meyers are not your typical subdivision development and the whole process has been rushed through, but Mr. Meyer has been very compliant and has done everything the city has asked him to do. The city appears to have some mis-communication going on between the council, attorney, and the city engineer.
I am unsure of what process is in place for developers and businesses to use when planning to move or build in Columbia but there appears to be at least a few places that could use a little improvement.
Mayor Hutchinson’s frustration wasn’t really pointed at any one person, just the system. Which is only ironic because it was a main running point of Harold McCarty to fix the system to encourage businesses and development in Columbia.
To explain this a little bit the Meyers have been before the council at least 3 or 4 times to see approval of his subdivision plat. The plat has changed a few times but the issues that were brought up at the council meeting were major changes that were never discussed previous to this meeting. The issue of the brick ordinance variance needing to go before the zoning board of appeals was a new step in solving a problem that everyone thought had been solved.
To be fair to both sides in the issue the Meyers are not your typical subdivision development and the whole process has been rushed through, but Mr. Meyer has been very compliant and has done everything the city has asked him to do. The city appears to have some mis-communication going on between the council, attorney, and the city engineer.
I am unsure of what process is in place for developers and businesses to use when planning to move or build in Columbia but there appears to be at least a few places that could use a little improvement.
Mayor Hutchinson’s frustration wasn’t really pointed at any one person, just the system. Which is only ironic because it was a main running point of Harold McCarty to fix the system to encourage businesses and development in Columbia.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
Committee Meetings 7-27-09...Well Sort Of........
Alderman Row, Hejna, Stumpf, Oberkfell, and Agne were not in attendance at this meeting. It was noted to me that Oberkfell and Agne were both out of town on business. The council did not have a quorum to do much of anything really. Quite a few delegations of people were there to make presentations. These people took time out of their schedules to make presentations and those council members in attendance did their best to accommodate these people to ensure they would not be required to take more time out of their lives to attend a future meeting.
Parks Committee
• Bikers Benefit Ride
PDF for the Event – distribute at your leisure
Three representatives presented their plan for the ride. They will be out of the park in the morning. They said they have had a great number of people call them about the ride and expect anywhere up to 500 riders if people show up like they have been saying they will. Cars are welcome in the ride as well and they have some car clubs that will be in attendance. See the website linked to above for more details if you are interested.
•Returning Soldiers Parade
Rhonda Farrel(sp) was in attendance to present on her idea for the parade and see if it would be ok with the city and to get their input on the plan. There are four young men returning at the end of September from Afghanistan who she would like to have a “homecoming” parade for. The parade will be open for any veteran who would like to be a part of it as to not offend anyone who might not have had a parade when the returned home from serving their country abroad.
A major concern for her that the council brought to her attention would be the insurance that she and the other organizers would need to purchase to hold the city
harmless during the parade. It was suggested that maybe the acknowledgment of these young men and their service could take place on stage at the Festivfall(sp).
• Blue Jay Football
Two representatives form the Blue Jay football organization were in attendance to present a plan to expand the area around their flagpole to incorporate two small memorials for their lost teammates Garret & Gavin Coleman. There have been donations made for the material and they will maintain the area as they have in the past, there will be no cost to the city.
•Walking Trail Expansion
There was a discussion about exchanging some land with the concrete plant in order to alleviate the need of a large switchback on the walking trail for Metter Park access. The council decided the land offered in the trade did not accomplish what they would like to so regardless of what the concrete plant had asked for in return it would not be worthwhile. The plant was asking for room to have an entrance off of Cherry Street along side of the walking trail, this would have also created another area where large trucks would be in close proximity with the walking trail. Overall the trade really had no positives in it for the city.
Municipal Buildings, Property and Capital Improvements
A quorum was not present so this meeting could not take place.
License, Insurance, CEMA and Contracts
A quorum was not present so this meeting could not take place.
Finance, Claims, Bonds and Interest
• Audit Engagement Letter review/approval
It was discussed that the auditing company that the city used last year will be providing more services than last year for the same price and no one on the council had any issue with this. When questioned why the service price had not gone up Alderman Roessler noted that Linda Sharp had simply told the company that the price could not go up as the city’s revenues were not up. Big thanks should go out to Linda for saving the city a little money on this service. Good work.
• Senior Center Site Lease
Paulett(sp) from Western Egyptian and Paula Stumpf(sp) who is the onsite supervisor for the senior center were in attendance for this meeting.
It was explained that the lease agreement with Traube Inc. was favorable with their organization as it provided them with the best space for their operation. When questioned why the YMCA location would not work it was explained that the space they would be granted for their activities would have to be picked up and all of their supplies and equipment moved out of the way each day before they left. This was a much more suitable explanation than the left turn on Route 3 explanation the council had always heard before.
The council asked if it would be possible to raise the menu prices to cover some of the increasing costs but it was explained that the seniors are simply asked for a “suggested donation” and they give what they can. I believe the “suggested donation” prices on the meals at the Columbia location are $3.75 for eating in and $4.00 for home delivery.
I am not sure if this was canceled for lack of quorum or if the update
Parks Committee
• Bikers Benefit Ride
PDF for the Event – distribute at your leisure
Three representatives presented their plan for the ride. They will be out of the park in the morning. They said they have had a great number of people call them about the ride and expect anywhere up to 500 riders if people show up like they have been saying they will. Cars are welcome in the ride as well and they have some car clubs that will be in attendance. See the website linked to above for more details if you are interested.
•Returning Soldiers Parade
Rhonda Farrel(sp) was in attendance to present on her idea for the parade and see if it would be ok with the city and to get their input on the plan. There are four young men returning at the end of September from Afghanistan who she would like to have a “homecoming” parade for. The parade will be open for any veteran who would like to be a part of it as to not offend anyone who might not have had a parade when the returned home from serving their country abroad.
A major concern for her that the council brought to her attention would be the insurance that she and the other organizers would need to purchase to hold the city
harmless during the parade. It was suggested that maybe the acknowledgment of these young men and their service could take place on stage at the Festivfall(sp).
• Blue Jay Football
Two representatives form the Blue Jay football organization were in attendance to present a plan to expand the area around their flagpole to incorporate two small memorials for their lost teammates Garret & Gavin Coleman. There have been donations made for the material and they will maintain the area as they have in the past, there will be no cost to the city.
•Walking Trail Expansion
There was a discussion about exchanging some land with the concrete plant in order to alleviate the need of a large switchback on the walking trail for Metter Park access. The council decided the land offered in the trade did not accomplish what they would like to so regardless of what the concrete plant had asked for in return it would not be worthwhile. The plant was asking for room to have an entrance off of Cherry Street along side of the walking trail, this would have also created another area where large trucks would be in close proximity with the walking trail. Overall the trade really had no positives in it for the city.
Municipal Buildings, Property and Capital Improvements
A quorum was not present so this meeting could not take place.
License, Insurance, CEMA and Contracts
A quorum was not present so this meeting could not take place.
Finance, Claims, Bonds and Interest
• Audit Engagement Letter review/approval
It was discussed that the auditing company that the city used last year will be providing more services than last year for the same price and no one on the council had any issue with this. When questioned why the service price had not gone up Alderman Roessler noted that Linda Sharp had simply told the company that the price could not go up as the city’s revenues were not up. Big thanks should go out to Linda for saving the city a little money on this service. Good work.
• Senior Center Site Lease
Paulett(sp) from Western Egyptian and Paula Stumpf(sp) who is the onsite supervisor for the senior center were in attendance for this meeting.
It was explained that the lease agreement with Traube Inc. was favorable with their organization as it provided them with the best space for their operation. When questioned why the YMCA location would not work it was explained that the space they would be granted for their activities would have to be picked up and all of their supplies and equipment moved out of the way each day before they left. This was a much more suitable explanation than the left turn on Route 3 explanation the council had always heard before.
The council asked if it would be possible to raise the menu prices to cover some of the increasing costs but it was explained that the seniors are simply asked for a “suggested donation” and they give what they can. I believe the “suggested donation” prices on the meals at the Columbia location are $3.75 for eating in and $4.00 for home delivery.
I am not sure if this was canceled for lack of quorum or if the update